School - Courses
Paramotor + Paratrike
School - Courses
Paramotor + Paratrike
Learn to fly
en Paramotor & Paratrike
Learn to fly
en Paramotor & Paratrike
School - Paramotor and Paratrike Courses

The Indalo Paramotor School is recognised by the Royal Spanish Aeronautical Federation (RFAE) with number C-575 and by the Andalusian Federation of Aerial Sports (FEADA) with number E-216.
The Indalo Paramotor school was created after years of experience in high international competition, with the aim of transmitting all the knowledge and experience acquired to future students who want to start in the exciting world of paramotor or paratrike flying.
The courses we offer are personalised and designed for the needs of each student and we adapt to the timetable of each student. We use the latest generation material, the paragliders are class EN-A, ideal and safe for the initiation to paramotor or paratrike flying.
Our location by the sea provides us with a gentle breeze and laminar ideal for the teaching and practice of our sport.
If you are still not sure about starting the course, we advise you to take a tandem course, where we will explain basic manoeuvres during the flight. If in the end you decide to take the course, we will deduct the tandem flight from the total amount of the course.
The Indalo Paramotor school will register the student for a month in a federative insurance of accident and civil responsibility, this insurance is included in the total price of the course.
The aim is that you fly with confidence and safety, you know how to assess the weather conditions to decide whether it is a suitable day for the flight or not.
Once you finish the course you can continue flying with us and become a member of Club Indalo to share unforgettable flights with the great paramotor flying family.
Paramotor Course
The duration of the course is about 25/30 hours, divided in 8/10 days.
We will start by practising on the ground with the paraglider and a harness to control the inflation of the paraglider and the take-off run.
We will progressively advance through the different phases of the teaching until we acquire safety and skill in the control of the paraglider and paramotor or paratrike.
We will do an educational tandem flight with the student where he/she will control the controls of the paraglider.
The student will make 8 flights in total, always with radio communication (walkie) with the instructor.
At the end of the course the student will control the take-off run, level flight, approach and landing manoeuvres. We will also teach basic knowledge about meteorology, aerodynamics, regulations and paramotor mechanics.
You will obtain the federative title of Trainee Pilot or Enabling Title, issued by the Andalusian Federation of Aerial Sports.
The price of the paramotor course is 1.300 €.
Paratrike Course
The duration of the course will be about 25/30 hours divided into 8/10 days.
The course is the same as the paramotoring course with the only difference being that with the paratrike we will be seated comfortably and we don't have to run during the take off. This course is recommended for people with lower back problems who can't or don't want to carry weight on their back.
The price of the paratrike course is 1.400 €.
Advanced courses
We offer advanced paramotor and paratrike courses.
If you want to improve your technique, increase your confidence and safety in all phases of the flight. We adapt to your needs and design a teaching focused on increasing the technique in the weak points of each student.
We can also teach you how to get started in competition, how to navigate interpreting the map only with your compass, make flight estimations or get started in Slalom competitions.
Call us, we will inform you of all the possibilities and we will adapt to your needs.
Or if you prefer, we will call you, fill in the form below and we will call you without obligation.
Promotion Videos
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Volando sobre las nubes con paramotor
Volando sobre las nubes con paramotor
cursos de paramotor con escuela
Cursos de Paramotor con Escuela Indalo Paramotor
Cursos de Paramotor con Escuela Indalo Paramotor

Volando sobre las nubes con paramotor

Cursos de Paramotor con Escuela Indalo Paramotor